Slot diffusers LD0

Slot diffusers LD0


Type A-A(mm) B-B(mm) H(mm)
LD0400x100 395×95
LD0400x150 395×145 444×194 43
844×144 43
LD0800x150 795×145 844×194 43
LD01200x10 1195×95 1244×144 43
LD01200x15 1195×145 1244×194 43

0° Linear Bar Grille Fixed blade Ceiling
Diffusers can be used as supply air and exhaust diffusers are capable of a high air volume. With a low resistance, they are ideal for use in ceiling mounted fan coil units, as well as for the side wall and floors ,they are made of aluminum and can be made up to the length of 3m

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