T-pieces 45° with / without rubber

Short description:

T-pieces 45° with / without rubber

Long Descriptions

T-pieces 45° with / without rubber



Size ΦD(mm) Φd(mm) L(mm)
100-100 99 99 282
125-100 124 99 282
125-125 124 124 317
150-100 148.9 99 282
150-125 148.9 124 317
150-150 148.9 148.9 352
160-100 158.9 99 282
160-125 158.9 124 317
160-150 158.9 148.9 352
160-160 158.9 158.9 366
200-100 198.9 99 282
200-125 198.9 124 317
200-150 198.9 148.9 352
200-160 198.9 158.9 366
200-200 198.9 198.9 423

Galvanized steel symmetrical T-pieces 45°, out with/with rubber sealing.
The airthightness class is also determined by the mounting on the construction site.