Reducers RCFX

Reducers RCFX



RCF                    RCFS

Size(mm) D(mm) D1(mm) L2(mm) H(mm)
100-80 100.5 78.8 55 40/45
125-80 125.5 78.8 55 40/45
125-100 125.5 98.8 55 40/45
150-80 150.6 78.8 55 40/45
150-100 150.6 98.8 55 40/45
150-125 150.6 123.8 55 40/45
160-80 160.6 78.8 55 40/45
160-100 160.6 98.8 55 40/45
160-125 160.6 123.8 55 40/45
160-150 160.6 148.7 55 40/45
180-125 180.7 123.8 55 40/45
180-150 180.7 148.7 55 40/45
180-160 180.7 158.7 55 40/45
200-80 200.7 78.8 55 40/45
200-100 200.7 98.8 55 40/45
200-125 200.7 123.8 55 40/45
200-150 200.7 148.7 55 40/45
200-160 200.7 158.7 55 40/45
200-180 200.7 178.6 55 40/45
250-100 250.8 98.8 55 40/45
250-125 250.8 123.8 55 40/45
250-150 250.8 148.7 55 40/45
250-160 250.8 158.7 55 40/45
250-180 250.8 178.6 55 40/45
250-200 250.8 198.6 55 40/45
300-200 300.9 198.6 55 40/45
300-250 300.9 248.5 55 40/45
315-160 315.9 158.7 55 40/45
315-200 315.9 198.6 55 40/45
315-250 315.9 248.5 55 40/45
355-250 356 248.5 55 40/45
355-315 356 313.4 55 40/45
Galvanized steel pressed reduction pieces, Female Largest side = duct size ; other side = fitting size.
For reducing plenumbox connections, connections on air handling units,…
The airthightness class is also determined by the mounting on the construction site.

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